
What Types of Glues Can Be Used for Woodwork?

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Comparably, the best, and possibly the most arduous work in wood joining is done by gluing. Anyone can do an average gluing job without much thought or trouble; but a suitable, lasting joint, even stronger than the wood itself, can only be possible the right glue is used and if the glue is applied properly.

The effectiveness of a glued joint is determined by (1) kind of wood, (2) its moisture content, (3) type of joint, (4) precision where contact surfaces match, (5) kind of glue and the method of its preparation, handling, and application, 6) level and length of pressure used when setting, (7) process of conditioning glued joints, and (8) service conditions.

Basically, heavy woods are harder to glue than light woods; hardwoods are more toilsome to glue than softwoods; and heartwoods are more difficult to glue as compared to sapwoods.

There are eight types of commonly used glues available commercially. Of these, the first six are especially useful for the home carpenter: (1) liquid glue, (2) blood - albumin glue, (3) casein glue, (4) synthetic resin glue, (5) vegetable glue, (6) rubber compounds, (7) cellulose cement, and (8) animal glue. There are a lot of ready-made glues on the market that are user-friendly, but the hobbyist would want to know about some of the glues utilized by professionals.

Additional details of the qualities of each glue type can be seen here: Types Woodwork Glues

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