
How to Check if Your Pet Bird is Sick

 Birds are not as common as dogs and cats. Because of this fact, there can be a tendency for owners to interact less with birds than with the cat or do. It may be more difficult to find out when your bird is already sick.

Having a pet can be a beneficial for you and your family. And pet birds are among the most popular pets around. Along with the fun that these pets provide for families are also some responsibilities.  But as long as you do some things for them, you'll discover that they may require less of your time than other pets do. However, like any other animal, birds can also get sick.  Birds are not as common as dogs and cats.  Because of this fact, there can be a tendency for owners to interact less with birds than with the cat or do.  It may be more difficult to find out when your bird is already sick. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to be sure that you are paying attention to your pet bird.  Here are some things you can do when you notice that your bird is sick.

One of the best ways to know if your pet bird is sick is by listening to the changes in their birdcall or song. Singing is the manner by which birds communicate with the outside world. You may think that they're just chattering, but if you really listen carefully, you will notice that your bird has a distinguishable sound and creates noises at various times of the day. It can probably sound one song in the morning, and a different one in the evening.  Your bird might also make sounds when it sees you, or sees other household members. There will be distinct noises made when you replace its food or water, or whenever you put something inside the cage. As a responsible bird owner, you should be aware of these various noises. That way, you will be able to notice when they change. If your bird ceases to make the noises that they usually made, or does new noises you've never heard of before, then perhaps something is wrong.

Like sounds, your bird will show you movements that you will recognize. You must be able to notice where it likes to perch, and what sorts of movements it loves to do during the day and night. If you notice that your bird isn’t moving as often as it usually does, or is just sitting on the floor of the cage rather than on its perch, it may be sick; therefore, you should pay close attention to it.  In the same way, if it is moving a lot more than usual, and is trying to fly out of the cage, it may also be ill.  Something should be done about it. It is best to talk to your vet right away before administering some form of medical treatment.