
How to Choose Grass Seeds for Lawns

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What type of grass seed would give you the kind of lawn you like best? Generally, a mixture of a few different types of grass seeds makes a better lawn than does seed of an exclusive variety. All varieties have advantages and disadvantages. Some are more drought-resistant and stay green long after other varieties have dried and turned brown in summer. Others are likely to die if cut down too short and therefore should never be used by those who want a "crew-cut" lawn. Still other varieties are quite susceptible to plant diseases. One variety should be planted either alone or only with members of its own family or grasses or it gets crowded out.
Read the label on the package before you purchase any grass seed mixture. And don't let the names of grasses on the label confuse you.

Most grass seed mixes are classified as having seeds of the following:
1. persistent, fine-textured grasses
2. coarse or temporary grasses
3. white clover

The coarse or temporary or "hay" grasses won't give the type of lawn most people like. As the word "temporary" implies, these seeds serve best when a lawn is wanted rapidly to cover the soil for one season until suitable preparations can be made for seeding a permanent lawn. These coarse and temporary grasses include tall fescue, timothy, meadow fescue, and redtop, and the ryegrasses, including Italian rye, domestic rye, perennial rye, and common rye.

Persistent, fine-textured grasses will, as their name indicates, give the kind of permanent, fine-textured lawn home gardeners love to have. The primary varieties are Kentucky bluegrass, red fescue (including Chewings and other varieties), colonial bentgrass, and rough bluegrass (also known as Poa trivialis).

What Grass Mixture is Best for Lawns?

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