Composting Using Plastic Bag
A large plastic bag like those large garbage can liner makes
for a quick and easy composter. Simply fill the bag with leaves, add a gallon
of water, a shovelful of soil, and a pint of lawn fertilizer ("weed and
feed" types are not recommended!) or liquid plant food. Store in the
garage over winter, and by the time spring comes, you'll have a bag full of ripen compost.
Composting With Garbage Can
The average American family throws away three-quarters of a
ton of food each year. These kitchen scraps should be placed in a garbage can
and converted into humus for the garden. Garbage can composting is the solution
for those in the urban or suburban areas who want to compost kitchen wastes,
but have little room. The following suggestions for making your own compost in
a garbage can come from The Environmental Education Committee of Rochester, New
1. Use a galvanized (or plastic) garbage can that has a lid
that has a snug fit, then punch several small holes in the bottom.
2. Add about 3 inches of good soil.
3. Place some "angleworms" or "red
worms" (referred to as manure worms or red wrigglers). These are optional,
but it does take longer breaking down the compost without them.
4. Put the can on top of two cement blocks with something
underneath to catch any liquid that drains out. This liquid is generally
odorless and may be used on houseplants, tubbed plants, or garden plants.
5. This is where you throw in kitchen wastes like potato
peelings, coffee grounds, lettuce leaves, or tea leaves.
6. For every addition of fresh garbage, cover it with a
sprinkling of soil or shredded leaves, grass clippings, newspapers, sawdust and
the like.
7. Sprinkling on a little liquid plant food from time to
time will fortify the compost. Odor is generally lacking. When coffee grounds
are added, they function as a natural deodorant. If odor develops, shredded
newspaper takes care of it almost immediately. Grease maybe tolerated in
controlled amounts, and so will meat scraps. Chicken bones and egg shells can
be added to add calcium. Even when they don't break down right away, they will
go down into the soil as filler.
Be mindful of onions and onion skins. The worms will not
like them. They do, however, tolerate citrus skins in moderate amounts.
A regular-size garbage can is enough for a family of four
with small children. Some start with one can during the fall, then add another
if the first one get full before spring, then dump and start over again. Others
use two cans simultaneously. The garage is a good area to keep the can. If you
have worms in your can, it’s ideal to store them in an area that has
above-freezing temperatures.
DIY Compost Tips