Flowers you have picked from your garden or from a bouquet you have received may be dried and pressed to create pretty items to give as presents, tokens, or simply to make your home look nicer. The moment after they're in full bloom is the period to gather the petals, leaves, and twigs. You may preserve them and fetch them out as dried materials until you are prepared for your dried flower craft projects.
What flowers are ideal for pressing?
Rose petals, holly leaves, chrysanthemums, Johnny-jump-ups, an variety of multicolored leaves, twigs, blades of grass, and some lobelia blooms are just a few of the suggested ones to use. Geranium buds and leaves and the rest of tall-growing plants should be gathered in autumn. Some fernlike plants in your garden could be used for decorating Christmas cards.
How to Press Flowers
The easiest way to press flowers is still the traditional way. Simply lay the materials on a piece of paper towel, cover with another piece, and place it in between heavy books. Pile additional books on top, or use bricks to weigh it down then leave it undisturbed for a week. This way, long before you need them you already have a bountiful supply of dried and pressed garden blooms once you're set to do some crafting. Pressing flower is a fantastic way to delight the yields of the garden two times over.
More on flower crafts:
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